Lazy eyes...they freak me the fuck out.
That's it bro...I can't think of a simpler way to put it, am I wrong? is it my problem that your face is conflicted as to which way to look? Fuck No, that's your bag of issues that you need to deal with- I look at you and am completely confused as to which eye to look at! you just made this all types of awkward for me, now I have to concentrate on NOT staring too long at one, because I don't want to make the other jealous.. am I guilty of being politically incorrect in this PC world we have created? I don't really care man. It's my right to discriminate as I see fit.
It's not often this shit comes up (actually I have worked with a guy that has a lazy eye for a while now, gaudin if you are reading this, I love you man but that thing freaks me the fuck out) but when it does, its quite obvious that my game has been thrown off, its really difficult to talk to someone when I'm trying to give each eye equal time- honestly, just tell me which one is dominate and we can stop this little charade.
I know its not your fault - and it comes with a bad stigma because of the name, like what heartless bastard thought attaching the word "lazy" to this would make it better? just gives the impression that these people are degenerates who don't care enough to fix the problem! How about, crooked eye, slanty eye, crazy eye? I can get on board with anyone of those... "Look at ol' Bill and his crazy eye!" anything but lazy eye, You wouldn't call someone born with Parkinson's fidgety fingers would you? - You're not helping the situation.
Back to my piece here...
I got nothing against people born with things they cannot control, I think it builds character, in fact there are alot of people out there that may be turned off by this article and I may just be getting hate mail in the next few minutes, (at this point any feedback is good feedback)
But let's be real people- This issue needed to be brought up and out in the open. If you or a friend suffers from Crazy Eyes you need to
(A)Unfuck your face.
(B) let them know that you find there face confusing.
You can always try donkey punching them from behind, you got a 1 in 10 chance of fixing the problem, at the very least you cause brain damage, and now we have a cross eyed drooling freak on our hands.
Now that is something I can get behind!
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