Sunday, July 10, 2011

If it dont make dollars...It dont make sense!

Follow up on the "3000 hits really bro? that's it?" story.

Since ESPN refuses to acknowledge there are other things to cover during this tumultuous time other than a herpes infested Dbag going yard for his 3000th hit of his career (really bro? that's it?) I have been force fed straight gaaahhhbage about how awesome this guy is...

I came across this lil gem and had to follow up on it,

"As a 23-year-old cell phone salesman, Christian Lopez had thousands of
reasons to hold out for the highest bidder on the baseball from
Derek Jeter's(notes) 3,000th hit. In fact, some estimates put the ball's worth at $250,000, money that the recent graduate from St. Lawrence University could have certainly used.
And yet when
New York Yankees officials found Lopez after he corralled Jeter's
historic home run
, the only thing that the big Yankees fan wanted was to
return the ball to the man who had hit it."

What a complete dumb ass right? you'd like to think I would applaud this man for taking the high road here and showing some integrity when he lives in a cut throat city like New York where bums will slash your ankles as you walk down the street if you don't throw a few bucks in there jar, but seriously man what were you thinking?
You sell cell phones for a living, he makes Millions! you are not gonna make a life long friend out of this guy and drink beers with him on the weekends, its just not in the cards- I mean look at this picture of ol Dbag, can you see the excitement on his face as your sweaty sausage fingered hand completely engulfs his?

That's not the look of a guy that wants to name you god father of his first born. That's the look from a guy who just gave you hand herpes... get that shit checked out bro!

So this article got me thinking, wasn't it Dbag Jeter himself that said, "it isn't personal its just business." when referring to his contract negotiations in the off season? (yes in case you are wondering I have officially changed his first name to Dbag, it just sounds so much better than Derek, and well it fits.)So with that being said, this guy was well within his rights to hold out for some cash, hey bro - its not personal its business right?If I caught that ball, I'm getting paid simple as that.. you think you're getting this back Mr. 3000? how about 300,000 reasons why you should have it back...ready...Go!

Now don't go crying about "the integrity of the game" and how "he's a great guy and he earned it!"

Fuck that, and Fuck you if you think this guy is so awesome!

When is the last time a professional athlete did ANYTHING for free?

How much did Lopez's girlfriend pay for those tickets to go to that game?

here's my point, as spectators we are so wrapped up in how awesome these guys are but we don't realize this is a business to them, it comes down to dollars and cents, and if it don't make dollars...then it don't make sense!

So just like the closing scenes from one of my favorite movies,
Pay that man his money....

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