Saturday, November 26, 2011

Women...the ultimate deception

Let's just clear the air here ladies... We know what's going on..

you're not fooling anybody with that painted on mug, the 2 inches of fake lashes or the caked on cover up.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort, but seriously - it scares the shit out of me when I realize you are a swamp creature underneath all that!

False advertising!

(need proof? follow the link...)watch the video up until the 10 second mark, then fast forward to 32 seconds... shake head in disbelief, and then get your ass back here before the sea creature swallows your soul forever!

Holy shit right?

Yea I know, blogging 101 says I should know how to embed a freaking video on here...but I can't so endulge me -

Let me clearify my point ladies, A little make up ONCE IN A WHILE is a nice change, something a guy can appreciate and give you a compliment,
"Wow, you really look nice today"
But when this is your deal all day everyday..

Then you have crossed that line- now that becomes your everyday face...and nobody wants to crawl in bed with!

besides, think of the example you are setting for your kids? or other kids that see you?

Role Model

Of course, celebrities are the most disapointing to see without build this grand delusion that they are incredibly beautiful and have flawless features..

So remember ladies, weather you have self esteem issues, or just think this looks "Haawwwt"

Keep that shit to a minimum! If I wanted to see a sideshow freak...I'd be at the circus!

1 comment:

  1. dumb cunt, women don't owe you shit you motherfucker.
