Saturday, July 9, 2011

3000...really? that's it bro?

Now before I go off on a little tangent, let it be known If this was anybody other than a member of the Skankees organization I would be ranting and raving about how incredible this accomplishment was, and you bet your ass if this was a Boston Red Sox player who did it, I would be calling for a ticker tape parade.

With that being said...really bro? just 3000 huh? you figured for the amount of money they pay your ass you would have alot more than that. Seriously lets break this shit down.
Derek Jeter came into the bigs in 1995 and since then has commanded a hefty paycheck $205,539,000 to be exact.(over the course of 15 years) so divide that by 15 and you get roughly 7.29 million per year, now keep in mind this is coming from the worst possible source for all things related to Math, so feel free to double check my shit and hurl insults in the comment box below.

so we now have to figure out how many games are played in baseball, 162 regular season games, now giving the Yankees the credit that is due (read FUCK YOU Yankees!) you have to throw in a few extra games due to there appearance in the playoffs and so on, so lets round that number up to a nice even 170 games per season, for 15 years.
Now we are looking at a different number, we have to divide his 7.29 million by 170 games and well you see where I'm going with this- fuck math, fuck Derek Jeter, and fuck the Yankees...
There I said it, we can sugar coat this with all the fuzzy numbers and break downs you want, but it really just comes down to the fact that I cannot stand to see a smug son of a bitch like Derek Jeter get his day in the sun, seriously I can admit it, doesn't ESPN have better things to cover? like let's talk the fact that David Ortiz damn near knocked someones teeth out last night, (oh for the love of all things Papi if he connected it would have been lights out) I'm done with this article, I just needed to vent, and the real reason I'm mad has nothing to do with the fact that he hit 3000 balls, its the fact that he gave Jessica Alba herpes- and that my friends over shadows everything you do for the rest of your life, oh you hit 3000 baseballs huh? here's some valtrex get that shit checked out bro!

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