Friday, July 8, 2011

Is David Stern Sneaky Brilliant?

If you follow the NBA at all you know about the inevitable lockout looming. I am so sick of lockouts that I can't even watch Coach Carter anymore. I mean you make money by people watching your games and having them televised. If you don't play that can't happen. Therefore  I don't understand how a lockout benefits anybody. But the commissioner of the NBA, David Stern, might have actual found a way to benefit from a just that.

When all is said and done I will undoubtedly remember David Stern as the commissioner that globalized the NBA. He gets a boner every time a TV turns on in a different country to watch a game (true story). So here's what I think (know) about this lockout business in the NBA...

There is nothing Stern would like more than to have this lockout. He knows his players will go overseas to play in places like Turkey, China, Spain etc. Now when they go over there they are going to be on loan basically because they won't make anywhere near the money they will here. So these teams that get the players like Kobe, Amare, Carmelo and more who already said that is what they will do, will sell out every game within minutes. Now you might be thinking "CT how does this help the NBA?" Well simple minded reader, what do you think will happen when these players return to the NBA? I will tell you. All those greasy Euros and billions of Asians are going to follow the NBA players that they got on loan for their hometown team. Can you say jersey sales? Can you say international TV deals? Can you say sneaky brilliant business plan? The NBA will lose money right away from their U.S. market but after a couple years they will recover and surpass that deficit immensely.

My guess is give it 10 years and the minority in the NBA will be American born players. I'm not happy about it either.

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