Monday, June 6, 2011

Cop thinks he's dead after eating special brownies

Since this blog is new I have the luxury of bringing up old stories again. Basically because I can do whatever I want. Let me continue by saying I love this story and I love this cop. "How much did you have?" "I don't know, we made brownies. And I think we're dead. Time is going by really really really really slow." One of the all time greatest responses I have ever heard. This dude thinks he's dead. Guy eats some weed, calls 9-1-1 and legitimately thinks he and his wife are dead. I have never used the term "I wish I was a fly on the wall in this room" but I would give my left nut to witness this shit. I guarantee he and his wife are sitting on the couch motionless just freaking the fuck out in their heads. You can tell he honestly thought he was dead because as a cop he had to know he was getting fired for this. But when you're dead you don't care what people think, you don't care about your job or repercussions, all you want to do is get undead...fact. I'm assuming the amount of calls that 911 gets everyday from dead people is astounding.

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