Friday, May 27, 2011

It's GO time....

Let's hit the ground running time for introductions- if you are reading this you either, know me, work with me, or in some way related to me. Either way- you are stuck with me. If you fall into that last category, you are obligated to subscribe to this blog and provide positive feedback, all others there will be free cookies and milk at the end, keep reading and don't even think about clicking that X!

Let's be honest this blog isn't big...YET, but it will be in time, and when it does- you can triumphantly claim to have been a founding member of the MANspective family in all its glory.

(think how shareholders in Microsoft felt when it was time to cash in, that's you in 2 years my friend.)

As for now you will have to suffer through the drudgery of us getting our feet wet in the blogging world, hopefully you find something to keep you coming back. My promise to you is that I will help you waste your company's precious time and money as you spend countless hours trolling through articles laughing hysterically at the funny MANspectives given on these pages.

We are bringing you the new All Star authors in the blogging community specifically collaborating on kick ass articles to force feed your face with all things MAN, we have a Young up and coming Entrepreneur, a Rap Star and I myself am a Sergeant of Marines. That my friends is the formula for success, write that down.

Most of my articles will pertain to Military life, Sports, Physical Fitness/Nutrition and maybe how to kill people with your bare hands - I don't know yet, haven't thought it through too much. That's not the point! the point is this is going to be great, this is going to be your reason for waking up in the morning, maybe the highlight of your day. This was just a taste of whats to come, subscribing to this blog is encouraged and if I don't have 30 followers by 1630 today- I start killing the squirrels one by one... its your call, can you live with that responsibility? do the right thing.....

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