Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Enough is ENOUGH!

California woman, Catherine Becker, cut off her husband's penis, tossed it in garbage disposal:
A woman in California cut off her estranged husband's penis and dropped it in the garbage disposal, police said Tuesday.

She later told authorities her spouse "deserved it," according to KTLA News.
Police in Garden Grove, a city about 25 miles south of Los Angeles, responded to the home of Catherine Becker Monday night after she called 911.

They found her 51-year-old husband, whose name was not released, bleeding from his crotch. He was rushed to the hospital and is listed in serious condition.
Becker told police she tied her husband to their bed after poisoning his food to make him sleepy, Lt. Jeff Nightengale told KTLA.

The 48-year-old waited for the man to wake up before grabbing hold of his penis and cutting it off, police said.

She then placed it into the garbage disposal and turned it on.

Becker has been charged with aggravated mayhem, false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon, administering a drug with intent to commit a felony, poisoning and spousal abuse.

All fucking around aside...this is worse than taking two to the chest and one to the head.
If you are gonna do it, do it fast and put me out of my misery, I am not going out like this, how terrifying is this story if you are the proud owner of your very own fun stick?
This just made me cringe reading the way she methodically poisoned him, tied him up, and WAITED until he came too..
do you realize how confused you gotta be when you wake up restricted...can't move and see this psychotic looking woman standing in front of you with a pair of scissors/dull knife/ whatever the fuck she could get her hands on..

this cannot be conveyed how horrifying this story is, I didn't even want to tackle this one, this is too big-its the Big leagues, and I'm still Bush leaguen this shit beaten blogs about hamsters getten there hump on, its like those people trying to sing Whitney Houston songs on American Idol...you know you can't hit that note lady why are you even trying?

P.S The gahhhbage disposal? what a slap in the face...

Its bad enough you cut off his pee piece, you gotta make puree' out of the damn thing? like at least get a slap chop for effect...let him see the shit get diced.. on second thought- I don't want the First Sergeant getting any ideas, I'm going home and throwing away the slap chop and disconnecting the garbage disposal.

In the meantime...let's end the madness alright, I know the legal system will probably give her a slap on the wrist if not applaud her when it comes out that this guy was beaten up on her and whatnot, But seriously- we need to make an example out of this chick...the legal system is a mockery right now, we got a lady who just got away with killing her kid and this chick who just tortured and mutilated a man who was completely incapable of defending himself...

Now am I advocating we cut off her tits? no.. besides lets be real, that wouldn't be half as painful/horrifying you gotta understand the circumstances here...this guy had no idea if he was being Punk'd or murdered ..he kinda of ended up somewhere in the middle... poor bastard.

Appropriate punishments people?
let's here em!

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