Thursday, July 14, 2011

Casey Anthony..thought I forgot huh?

Might be a lil late on this one...

Ok a lot fucken late..but that's my style (note I have waged a war against not being punctual to anything since 2004 - so no, this really is NOT my style.) I wanted to let the smoke blow off this topic before I felt it was ok to write about it.

During this time, I came across some funny/controversial photos while wasting your valuable tax dollars.
yes people I do this from work...I got three kids and a wife with a "to do" list a mile long, I got no time to waste when I leave here.

I promise you I am not gonna get into this topic at all, its too serious for this kind of blog, so I will just hit you in the face with some unfortunately funny captioned pictures and leave it at that.

P.S if you dont know who this is, or what I'm talking about...blah blah under a rock..blah blah blah..

*disclaimer* There is absolutely NOTHING funny about what this heartless bitch did, and got away with- as a father of three I can't for the life of me understand why a sane person would hurt there own children. Boom- thats it, now laugh bitches!

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