Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tim Fucking Tebow

The man is a stud... hands down a fucking God among men, look I'm not gonna keep this a secret so let's get it out there, I tend to have man crushes on Pro Athletes from time to time, it's not something I'm proud of, nor do I like talking about it, but my therapist says I need to exercise these demons and get it here it is,

Tim Fucking Tebow just happens to be one of those guys that i get warm and tingly fact he is THE guy, it use to be Brady Quinn when he played for Notre Dame, but ya know what- what the fuck have you done for me lately Brady? not a damn thing- get back on the bench!

Timmy... ohh Timmaaaay!

I had to write this when I saw this picture, the guy has always been in great shape, I mean just a fucking specimen of a Man but this? come on Timmy really? you have out done yourself.

He looks like he is about to oblitirate this ball...just crazy freaky muscles, the guy has obviously been putting in the work throughout the lockout. What other QB in the history of football has ever looked like this? what fucking lineman looks like this?

Now some of you haters out there are screaming STEROIDS!! because well, you're a lazy piece of shit that doesnt know what a calloused hand feels like except when it comes upide your face as I'm stealing your girl (yea I had to reasure you that I am in fact a big fan of the split tail and not a raging homo who crushes hard on muscle dudes) but here's the rub, the guy is a hands down, no questions asked Jesus fucken FREAK!! the only syringes he is shooting up is with holy water before the games, the guys morality is beyond reproach...

In a day and age where we hear about College athletes just crushing pussy and bangen out drugs all while taking hand outs from anyone with a wallet, Timmy was building villages for third world country kids and writing bible versus on his eye black...nothing but class.

The only explanation I can come up with for this newfound muscle, is simple- The guy hasn't busted a nut in his entire life...a self proclaimed virgin with no public dispute ever made, I'm 100% positive that if some lucky College chick got it on with ol Timmy T, we would know about it by now, instead- for my money I tend to believe him.

That being said, do you realize how much built up Testosterone that is? do you understand how much time I waste rubbing out knuckle children? If I could get that time back in my life and put it towards something constructive...You would be looking at a world class athlete right now, instead I'm blogging about one!

P.S if anybody knows Timmy T and gives him the heads up that I'm a stage 5 clinger with stalker potential I swear to fucken christ I'm hunten you down and comen for that ass... Don't fuck this up for me!

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