Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Local Talent of The Week!

This is going to be a weekly post about a local person who is excelling in their field beyond expectations. This could be an athlete, artist, musician, business person etc. This week's local talent is Chris Lamar owner of Hoodiezz.com.

Chris' website Hoodiezz.com has taken off like wildfire. This website started small by just selling hoodies and clothing from other designers (Ecko, Foot Locker etc.) while getting just a couple hundred hits a week. But the site has recently been busting at the seams (corny clothing joke) getting over 5,000 hits per week with the addition of the sites Bikinizz.Hoodiezz.com and the more popular Shirtzz.Hoodiezz.com.

The clothing on his sites are selling faster than Chris can keep them in stock. You can go there and find literally any  type of hoodie, shirt, or bikini and with summer coming up you definitely don't want to be stuck in last years clothes ...

Shirtzz.Hoodiez.com is the breadwinner in his trifecta of websites. With the most popular being the "Got Swag" line

A fundraiser that the site is currently running is with it's "Peace in a Panda" line where $2 of every sale goes to the Clinton Foundation.

I hope you all check out the website and buy one of those cool panda shirts for charity. And if you don't want to contribute to charity I'm sure Jesus will forgive you, on second thought, I'm sure he won't.

If you would like to nominate somebody for Local Talent of The Week you can e-mail the request to coreyt862003@yahoo.com

1 comment:

  1. The Shirts are nice, but I want to be geared up like the man with the beer belly lol
