Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gold Selling No No's

In my days of buying gold I have come across some really nasty stuff from some really nasty people. So I just want to inform the general public of a few things NOT TO DO when you go somewhere to sell your gold.

1. Please please DO NOT shove your gross ass finger down your throat to try and slide that dirty ass ring off and then proceed to try and place it in my hand! I'm not trying to catch Hep C from some crack head for $5 (mayyybe $10 if I'm trying to get Papa Gino's later).

2. If you want to see how much your necklace will get you do me a favor and take that thing off before you come into the store. Then remove all things on that necklace that carry your DNA. The last thing I want to do while checking the karat of your gold is feel your ripped out neck hair tickling my face.

3.I'll take gold teeth. I will not take gold teeth with your long bloody incisors attached to them. Take an extra minute between here and the dentist to pull those things off. I don't want to be able to tell you ate a roast beef sandwich for lunch while I'm weighing up your denchers.

I keep a bottle of Purell on deck at all times. But no amount of hand sanitizer can erase the nightmares I've had about the Mucinex germ.

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