Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Woman's Pole Vaulting...that's what's up

Where the fuck have I been?

How has this evaded my attention for so long- have you ever seen this event take place? pretty fucken intense.

alot of build up to the jump, the run with all its glory, just sinewy muscles toned and quivering back and forth as they sprint down the track..jamming that pole into the ground with the force of a head on collision- BOOM!!! up up up, and over- BAM slammed down on her back and raise those hands in victory!

Actually I can care less about all that.

Pretty fucking boring if you ask me... but holy shit are these chicks hot.. I mean seriously- just look at some of these ladies.. I'm impressed, the dedication to craft and of course everyone knows I'm a can man. Need to replace the WNBA with a lil WPV and I'm dialed in everynight of the week and twice on Sunday.

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