Thursday, June 23, 2011

NBA Draft Tonight

My favorite sports event of the year isn't the Superbowl, NBA all-star festivities, MLB opening day, or any sport's championship, it's NBA draft night. If March Madness is good and keeps people interested the whole way through by not busting brackets right away, we all get to know some top college basketball players. This year the tournament was good but didn't boast too many stand outs. That is probably because there aren't many. Once you get past the glorified names like Jimmer Fredette and Kemba Walker who is there? There's the less known but better and more NBA ready Kyrie Irving and Derrick Williams. Then after that we are stuck with European players. Don't get me wrong I love seeing the game flourish over seas but I can't stand European players. Half the time they never make it over here because they stay in Europe to develop and never turn out to be the player the team thought they drafted. Then you have the half that make it over here and suck. Of course you have the 5% that actually turn out to be decent but let's not get hung up on them.

Sorry if you're reading this and aren't from Boston but I am so go fuck a goat. The Celtics have the 25th pick in the draft tonight which means they basically have no pick. The last time they had the 25th pick they chose Tony Allen. Some might say he was a good pick up but I say he sucked donkey balls. He is dumb as bricks and is the only guard in the NBA whose worst attribute is dribbling. Last year's 25th pick was Dominique Jones. Never heard of him? Neither have I. The fact is that unless you have a top 5 pick this year, your main goal should be trading out of your spot. As a Celtic fan I would love to see a Morris brother in green but they should go before our pick and other than that I'm all set.

The name Josh Smith from Atlanta has been tossed around with the Celtics within the past week. Although I think Smith is a beast I don't want him if we have to give up one of the Big Three or Rondo. It will totally change the dynamic of the team and not in a good way. And if you think the Celtics will get Dwight Howard you are as dumb as Tony Allen. So the only hope I see of the Celtics getting back to the championship is by getting a David West or a Sam Dalambert type player in free agency. The Celts will have a little bit of money to play with because they have an abundance of free agents that they won't want to resign (hopefully Big Baby is gone). Then they can pick up those veteran players that will undoubtedly get hurt but want to win a ship later on. Don't count big Shaq diesel out from the Celtics squad just yet either. He seems to be the type of person to pull a Clemens and come back half way through the season so they can try to win again but don't want to put in the first half effort.

So all in all my favorite sports night doesn't seem to be giving me the boner it usually does but I'll be excited to see what trade we pull off tonight. Because if we pick up somebody like Reggie Jackson from BC I'm going to go all Hulk again.

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